To use Unity with VS you have to get Unity Build Tools as a plugin.

Alright, I'll download that.

Oh but now there's an error with connecting to unity, I need to get a newer VS and switch to the 2018 version of the engine.

Ok fine that's annoying but I guess I might as well upgrade.

Oh now there's no Intellisense? I guess I need to reload my project.

Oh what's this? Some major build error due to a missing component from Vs 2015?

This is getting stupid, fine let me install it.

Oh but to install the component you need to rerun the installer for VS, fine I'll redownload that.

Oh but apparently the installer _I JUST DOWNLOADED A FEW SECONDS AGO_ is outdated and needs to be upgraded. I can't _not_ update the installer and still install the components because that would be stupid, why would we let the developer decide what versions to use obviously they don't know what they're doing I mean it's not like they know how to use computers?

To get simple code completion, let's force developers to download an installer that then needs to be updated to install a component for this giant IDE that also requires the 2015 version of the IDE to be installed alongside a special plugin and patch designed for a specific game engine.

All this. For fucking code completion. I can't even get Intellisense to work in VSCode without fixing the issue since the C# extension in VSCode just binds to Visual Studio tools and runs the same shit with a different GUI.

  • 1
    This is precisely why i use monodevelop that is installed along side unit. For unity projects only of course
  • 0
    wait until you try to make an apk, same shitstorm all over again.

    hint: unity works kinda bad with latest jdk and android build tools, and by bad i mean a bugger legion of errors.
    i used older versions and a native ( not gradle) build, it compiled.
  • 1
    @InterferenceObj The latest versions of unity don't come with monodevelop anymore, they just tell you to download VS.
  • 1
    Haha and microsoft strikes again :)
  • 0
    Why don't you just use mono, like it used to be. VS takes years to startup anyways.
  • 2
    @cave @InterferenceObj I loved Mono 😭 but I can't seem to justify having an entirely separate IDE for just unity on my computer :/
    Tbh this whole mess would be fixed if VS Code just ran Intellisense without trying to build the whole fucking solution
  • 1
    @woodworks well I build mono myself just for fun and I'm perfectly fine with having a better IDE only for unity on my system. VS is really good, I use it all the time, but not as third party IDE.
  • 0
    use vscode son. the compiling is done by the editor amyway. and yes, you can also debug in it. also it very light in performance and do not need massive downloads to work.
  • 0
    @Aiei that's what I'd prefer but it relies on the VS engine and MSBuild tools to run Intellisense :/ and for some reason MSBuild refuses to run Intellisense without building the entire solution
  • 0
    what? you just need omnisharp plugin and unity code snippet plugin. i dont even have visual studio installed on my pc. the only complicated stuff needed is if you want to target android which will need ndk, sdk and jdk.
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