
C# made me realize how much I love Javascript!

  • 8
    everything is fine with c#. and java. here is problems with c++. so many wtf with c++. but rust and ruby and golang has most worst syntax. ok there is haskell. but nobody knows haskell. but i tested one day. wtf. js to the masses!
  • 29
    Wait wait what? Don't take a glimpse at C++ or you may have a seizure. C# is eaaaasy peasssy man. No callback hell man. Package management is clean, the base framework is WONDERFUL and can do anything. The syntax is rigid but well developed, you have anonymous objects, delegates, lambda, enumerations, classes, inner classes, the only language wide feature that JS have and C# lack is covered by the library (RegExp namely)
  • 7
    @QCat yes, and callbacks! c# async anonymous funcs work great!
  • 7
    @MaxDeepfield nobody knows haskell? Well excuse you
  • 2
    Ikr hahahaha
  • 11
    C# is the easiest language ever! And almost the best language to learn for beginners.
  • 22
    Fuck Javascript ! C# FTW
  • 13
    Whaaaat! are you saying js is well structured and clean and c# not. hehe you're getting it wrong
  • 6
    Idk man I just started c# and I'm loving it
  • 2
    Idk why people are saying C# is the easiest. I learned assembly faster than I learned C#. It's a clusterfuck of bullshit imo.
  • 5
    @densedever in wich universe are you living ? Assembly easier than C# WTF???
  • 3
    So many trolls I can't see the decents..
  • 2
    @g-m-f I see you are confused too 😂
  • 1
    As someone who works in JavaScript but learned programming in c# and interested to work in it, i disagree.
  • 2
    Not difficult. Just very stupid and has so many limits! @g-m-f
  • 3
    If all you have ever used is js, then no wonder you have no idea what decently built language looks like. Js is far far from C# in this aspect.
  • 1
    How in the world you find C# hard? If you said Swift is easier than C# I guess it's sort of ok,but JavaScript is easier than C#... 🙄
  • 3
    @mzpro10 @g-m-f Wait wait what C# has the very same limits as JS. You can just screw up the very same with both. C# has the only thing JS can't do : multithreading. Out of that, both have the same capabilities. Buffer manipulations are even easier in C# than in (Node.)JS.

    C# can do the same stuff as C++ except it can't Reallocate memory in a C-like fashion. Neither can JS.
  • 1
    Mhhh why wtf c#?

    I mean I wrote c in "not exactly c" (nxc-the lego robot) for university.
    There were just compiler bugs.

    - THAT is a "wtf" moment (when even your Prof tells you nothing wrong with your code but do it otherwise xD)

    Mind explaining?
  • 1
    @happypotter check the comments
  • 1
    @QCat Thanks for saving my time, I was about to write all this and then I found your comment!! RegExp is just not as native /.*/ thing in js but I bet it's not less convenient with Regex.IsMatch() or Regex.<whatever>
  • 1
    I guess somebody just tried Unity...
  • 4
    JavaScript made me realize how much I love Java.

    Java made me realize how much I love C#.
  • 3
    Fuck both
  • 1
    Worked with more languages than I dare to count... The only limitation I find in c#7 is that it is not little bit more dynamic with regards to anon objects, except this - best language I ever worked with (as in got paid to deliver code in it)
  • 1
    @nocgod var or use the dynamic keyword?
  • 0
    @billgates dynamic... I'd want it to behave more like js objects
  • 0
    @nocgod so just use this... though wouldn't recommend it


    Or this http://ironpython.net

    I might actually take a look at the myself... Can use Python libraries... Hmm...
  • 0
    @billgates I prefer not to use `dynamic` due to performance penalty, and because I can achieve most of my needs using anon objects or `JObject`s
  • 0
    @nocgod aren't objects even more of a penalty?
  • 0
    @billgates nope, they don't need a binder because they are compile time types, unlike the dynamic types
  • 0
    @nocgod oh... Didn't know that, though it just disabled type checking set compile time
  • 0
    @billgates doesn't really work like that, read about it a bit... You'll get insight on what it is and isn't. For example the only production used for it was dynamic dispatch instead of visitor pattern
  • 0
    @nocgod well I guess sorta goes back to why I don't like JS..

    I've only used it once when I needed Office COM interop which I think is one of the reasons listed for using dynamic.
  • 0
    Here's some gasoline... i hate c#, just started using JS, its cool just really weird. Now C++... C++ is fucking love bro.
  • 0
    That's right. Stay with your fucking javascript. Such a dumb monkeys that cant figure out two generics in one type and prefer clasterfuck with dynamic-shitful type system should stay with javascript and not pollute good tools with their shit.
  • 0
    But static types D:
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