
My Pokemon Go account, wired to my gmail got banned. (My fault, I am programmer and lazy person, my inner nature is to automate things. )

So if I go by GDPR I can tell them to delete my account and register with same mail again?

In this example I'll obviously lose the progress but the account can be reused and with some services this could lead to more interesting outcomes.

  • 2
    @Alice That was exactly same solution I thought about. I still wonder if the GDPR forces you to drop everything about user.
    And if yes, then lol I want to see every site coming with this (or similar) solution.
  • 7
    It will not work.

    The “right to be forgotten” has a lot of exceptions where information that can be considered required is allowed to be saved. For example in this case, their interest to keep track on banned users weights heavier than the users right to be forgotten.
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