
Me: Whats the deadline?

Client: Asap

Me: And when are we getting paid?

Client: 30 days after you give us the invoice ☺

  • 6
    Haha. You can see their priorities 😀
  • 11
    How's about 50% upfront and the software will be released once the other 50% clears 😎
  • 3
  • 3
    @deadpool88 Shit would change very quickly!
  • 7
    Don't let the client decide when you get paid for work that's already completed. Always use a payment contract that outlines when and how much is to be paid. Then, if you have to go to court, you have proof of the agreement and there's a higher likelihood of it being enforced.
  • 10
    @sheeponmeth keep the product hostage until you get paid and threaten to sell it to a different client if they don't 😈
  • 3
    @ElectricCoffee Oooo! Me likey... although, you would bite yourself in the ass if you signed an NDA!
  • 4
    @GinjaNinja a client that dumb probably doesn't know what the d in NDA means :P
  • 4
    Actually, i ve been more aggressive on upfront payment and cutting the bullshit asap and you know what? Clients take you more seriously and you have the upper hand till end.
  • 1
    So invoice today and deliver in 31 days :)
  • 1
    Glad I'm a web dev. when I do projects on the side of work, I host the site on my server, and tell the client I can move it to their servers once payment clears.
  • 0
    30d << devtime, not an issue
  • 1
    @yusijs Exactly!!
    "Now what mutherfucker? Paytime !!"
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