Why would someone in their right mind change a piece of code that was working fine (and it wasn't a complete mumbo jumbo in styling, logic, transparency, was in line with how the project was coded etc..) to use dapper just to call a stored procedure?! Dafaq is wrong with people!?
Or is it just me & I'm overreactig again?!
I hate when people add more stuff to projects that are already overbloated with fw/techologies to do something so trivial.. like adding 6827646 js fw so you can use one function in each (or are simply still there because they didn't know how to use it and left it in project) which could easily be achieved with our own fw we use...wtf?! O.o
// me cringing, cussing etc..

  • 1
    And here we are with my colleagues, getting all worked up if to add ONE lodash method or write it on our own.

    Don't let me start when the necessity to load moment arise.

    Well this happens when your code need to be used with 3g / Edge connections
  • 0
    @illusion466 framework nazi?? Or was it 'like' you.. ? 🤔
  • 1
    Oh man, I know that pain!
  • 0
    Yay, lord voldemort ++ my rant!! 😂😂😂
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