
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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    oh so I am not the only one to have a 65,536-faces dice lying around
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    @Brosyl lol I know, it was a joke :P
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    @nobes Tabletop gaming.
    tl;dr: "5d6" means "roll five 6-sided dice."

    Here's more information than you bargained for: 😋

    Dice rolls are in the format of: ndx+y, where`n` is the number of dice, `d` is the dice operator literal, `x` is the number of sides per die, and `y` is a constant (or another dice roll). Thus, 5d6 means "roll five 6-sided dice."

    Other examples: 3d20, 6d6, 3d10, 12d3+1, 1d100+1d10 (aka percentiles; though 1d10*10+1d10 is much more common, as golfball d100s are rare)

    It's a very succinct expression that allows a high amount of variety, and with the amount of regular polygons (fair dice shapes), it allows either a high or small degree of precision in the resulting dice rolls.

    Such as: 2d10 has low precision (picking a number between 1-20), while 6d3+3 has higher precision (9-21)

    Also, dice are referred to almost exclusively by this convention: "Its my favorite d20," or "I lost four of my d3's!"

    In the case of this rant, the developer concatenated the five d6 results instead of adding them.
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    @Root Oh ok! Yes you're Right i concencated them
  • 1
    @nobes Oh that's your code! Haha
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