All your OSS are belong to them...

  • 6
    Well... time to switch to gitlab
  • 0
    So maybe github will give in. How much is the offer?
  • 1
    @albi gitlab is better anyways
  • 0
    Glad my whole company switched to gitlab
  • 1
    @Devnergy anything between 2 to 5 billion
  • 0
    @Hu-bot0x58 more like let the salt flow
  • 4
    I am by no means a Microsoft fan, but cam someone explain why they think it's going to be so bad.

    Microsoft's recent work on VSCode and Xamarin has been quite good.
  • 0
    well, freedom will now sleep with the fishes
  • 2
    It won't be bad, don't worry.

    The sheep mentality here is overly cringy. @rusty-hacker
  • 0
    I'm so happy I have a private gitlab on my NUC :P
  • 1
    @rusty-hacker @dontbeevil I actually think this will be fine. In my last role I did a fair amount of work with Azure and VSTS, and had really great interactions with the MS devs working through issues in their repos.

    I posted this as a joke, but I think Microsoft is really a dev-focused company, not some evil corporation.
  • 1
    well..no. My FOSS is mine and my neighbour's. Not M$ alone's. The name on the GNU GPLv2 licence? Mine. The developer? Me. The copyright holder? I. Does Microsoft have any power over the laws like that? No.
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