I am currently learning angular.js and in index.html I call two different controller files. I have spent the last 5 hours of my life looking for the error when the issue was that when I opened the script tag I didn't notice that type="controller.js" instead of src="controller.js" because of auto finish please kill me now for this terrible mistake that has almost annoyed the fuck out of me and forced me to walk away from my computer on multiple occasions to try and figure out the issue

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    I learned the hard way that you can self-close a script tag (or at least that is how it used to be). I spent forever trying to figure out why my code wasn't executing only to realize I had done <script ... /> instead of <script ...></script>
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    It's self closing on my text editor but by default it thinks I'm going to write the script in between the tags and not reference an external file its just i forgot that detail and so I pointed to the external file and didn't check to see if it was type or src 🙈
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    Don't worry. The more you code the less often it'll happen to you.
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    I'm also interested in learning angular.

    Are you learning it from an online course? if yes, is it based on video lectures or is an interactive course?

    also, which website are you using?
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    Why are you not using Emmet?
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