Idiot people...
Today someone asked me how long I programmed for iOS, Told him I started really mastering iOS development since Swift was released, as I didn’t really focus on Objective C. He told me if I need any help, just ask him as he develops for iOS since two decenia... He calls himself a Senior web developer. First of all what has web development to do with iOS? And how the f*** can he program for iOS if it didn’t exist at that time.
It’s not because I’m a student I’m that thumb...
learnt the lesson not to believe everything everyone sais.

  • 3
    some people are just patronizing just bcs for some reason they feel more superior (in this case you are student, and etc..)
  • 16
    I don't unterstand your problem, I'm 17 and I develop for android since the early 1980's. I would call myself a senior sideend developer.

    I know your feeling, there are just some people which exaggerate their exaggerations... (does this sentence make sence?)
  • 1
    @cave Oh that was a good one. Does that make sense?
  • 2
    My grandfather do asp.net and I learnt from him
  • 0
    Well in some cases developing a react native app is businesswise smarter than 2 separate native apps
  • 1
    Ok wait... Maybe what he meant he has experience in Objective C development. Maybe he said iOS instead of Objective C as he might have assumed you don't know OJC deep enough and said iOS instead of OJC.

    You could ask him/her what he has done on iOS during the early 2000's. Either you can catch him off guard or actually did some old school programming back them.

    I am genuinely curious.
  • 0
    @zemaitis or because they are insecure and/or pretentious and try to mask that by proclaiming that they are the best at something and know everything.
  • 0
  • 0
    @iceman yeah, but he meant swift...
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