This rant was posted from the devrant web client in Firefox v44
running at ReactOS, an open-source alternative that looks/behaves like Windows

  • 12
    I've been following that project for many years and, while I see the pointlessness of trying to keep up with Microsoft, I really like it.

    Think about it: a Windows-like OS that can be more stable and have more hardware support and 100% less control from Microsoft. No shitty forced upgrades, no shoving useless apps down your throat, no license activation, better chances of adding more interoperability features to it (think ExtFS/BtrFS/XFS/WhateverFS support, for example)…

    I can't wait for it to be stable enough for production use so if I ever need to use a Windows VM for anything or install Windows on some family member's computer I can just use ReactOS and give a huge middle finger to the Redmond Boys.
  • 2
    @Alice no you shouldn't
    @ethernetzero yeah the devs behind rock
    They used mostly c
    So i assume windows is also mainly c

    I am planning to contribute to the i18n as well
  • 1
    @RantSomeWhere YUP
  • 2
    Looks cool otherwise but the Windows XP look turns me right off...
  • 3
    @linuswillner As far as I know that's only the default look. The interface is themable.
  • 4
    Why would you want something to be like windows?
  • 5
    i actually thought someone wrote an OS with ReactJS. holy fuck.
  • 5
    ReactOS is a great OS, i dunno why people complain about it here in the comment section. It is Open Source it has support for many things and it is free.

    Holy Fuck what else do you need? But probably none of them knows what they write anyway. Its just a big Meme and repeat, "hahah look its windoooohws ipfff gottooh meme about it for looking baaad because i reaiid about it beeing bahd on reddiddd heheheh... herp derp"
  • 3
    ReactOS is awesome, if only it was more stable, I managed to run it once in a VM... wouldn't boot the second time
  • 2
    Is that start button in Korean?
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