On a more positive note, after reading that facebook set a ton posts and pictures to public "accidentally" - I finally deleted my near old age, never used facebook account, that I was tbh just too lazy to delete or thought I'd sometime have some value looking back to people I haven't talked to in multiple decades and couldn't give a flying fuck about

Before that I downloaded "all" (tbh what did I expect, there's not even a folder like "tagged in", which obv. is data they have too) the data they collected for the time, that I did use it and I am glad basically all creepy named folders had nothing in them, like e.g. phone call logs, since I never as far as I remember installed the app on my phones

btw: does somebody know what happened to @nanos? he seemed to have just disappeared

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    @Floydian I barely remember him
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    @Hu-bot0x58 agree, he always knew something interesting, especially to add to topics, due to knowing a wide variety of things

    @Floydian I don't agree with users deserve it, this data farming, that now is more transparent than ever, should be finally put to an end, not only did they abuse the permission system throughout multiple versions of android to gather all that data, but now they seemingly escaped again, after having said couple times "we'll follow up on that", ridicilous
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    @Nanos glad you're back, see you in 10 years again :P
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