It's kind of sad, not being able to actually fix an open source project bug yourself and seeing your opened issue just lay there for months, with no actual attention, why have the issues tab then?

  • 4
    In case of self doubt always remember mozilla has an open bug for firefox now already for 10+ years
  • 1
    @Cheeseus hah, what is it?
  • 2
    @JoshBent tbh I'm drunk right now and can't remekber right now what it was, I think it was something with playing media files, but could be wrong about that. But I'm 100% sure they have a bug opened that long.
  • 2
    valid reason not to remember, might have been the reason for it to be open so long too 🤣
  • 2
    @JoshBent yep, stuff like that usually have millions of bugs, most of which we as enduser won't even notice. Plus depending on the priority of the incomming bugs it could easily happen that such a thing will be forgotten
  • 0
    @Bitwise I wish I could, many of the projects are too complicated for me to get into or I would be only able to PR/fork a solution that probably isn't in line with the other code, due to tinkering 😅
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