  • 2
    @fuck2code Vortex Race 3 if you're interested. It's wonderful so far :)
  • 1
    German keyboard? Where did you buy that?
  • 0
    @fuck2code just tried it, continuously pressing a macro just triggers it once if that's what you mean. So you could program your passwords on macros if you're comfortable with having them stored on the keyboard itself
  • 1
    @fjmurau https://www.candykeys.com/ . probably my new go-to mech store
  • 1
    That's a PRETTY keyboard!!
  • 3
    I've been using mechanicals for a couple years, and I will never go back.

    I would love to get creative with it with custom keycaps and switch experimentation, but for now I will just stick to my factory-made units that my wife hates.
  • 1
    That's a sweet freakin' board
  • 1
    just a single word -> beautiful
  • 1
    did you really pay 140 bucks?

    Dude, get a gf
  • 1
    Candykeys have a really good support! Got a Race3 with mx blues in ANSI Layout, ISO-DE wasn't available at that time but I got used to the ANSI layout.
  • 3
    Changed the keys to Maxkey Ashen ❤️
  • 1
    @Crowns love the color scheme :)
    actually quite into what you did there with the standart size esc and delete. thanks for sharing!
  • 1
    @seblovin Thanks.
    Yeah, everyone's complaining about the non standardized keys, but actually I like it that way!
  • 0
    Wow. What brand? Also is it programmable + key swappable in that you can change the key layout from QWERTY to AZERTY?
  • 0
    @adempus It's a Vortex Race 3 (MX Blue) with Maxkey Ashen keycaps. You can change from QWERTY to DVORAK and COLEMAK. But I don't know how much you can program yourself. I think there are some videos about that topic online, you should check them out!
  • 2
    /r/mechanicalkeyboards is one of my favorite subs.
  • 0
    @arcioneo I paid 270€ for Ducky Shine 6 Special Edition even before the production started just to get it first :P
  • 0
    @seblovin oh sweet Jesus thanks!
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