Any BSD users here? What makes it better than linux?

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    Who said it's "better"?
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    @jschmold I know PfSense runs on BSD. Not sure why. There's gotta be at least a couple things that BSD does better to justify why it's still around.
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    its safer. an BSD has a very small list of critical bugs.
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    @zlice genua, a company owned by the german bundesdruckerei uses a bsd kernel to secure workstations on a hardwarelevel. you could even write confidental things if the insecure environment is filled keyloggers and virusses.
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    WhatsApp uses BSD servers and you can find this on their blog.
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    @ewpratten BSD IS Unix, Darwin is FreeBSD based.
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    @MrJimmy they have bugs, but you cant use them to get access on the computer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
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