
how would you make in a fun way your muggle coworkers aware on the topic of cyber security?

  • 5
    Insert backdoors into the codebase.

    When said co-workers are on call, fuck up all the servers at the same time in the middle of the night. Leave some obvious anonymous note like. "Hacked you lol."

    When they come in to work next morning be ready with a cup of coffee and a PowerPoint presentation on backdoors.

    As you're moving things away from your desk after a long and loud firing process from your boss you think about how great the future will be now that your ex-colleagues have been introduced to the field of security.

    Turns out time passes really fast when addicted to heroin, as getting a new job after being fired in such a spectacular way is impossible.

    Atleast your ex-colleagues from decades ago are doing fine. Sadly they forgot everything about security instantly since the PowerPoint was a bit too technical to get a hang of.

    If you only could go back in time and fix that PowerPoint. Then they would know.
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    On a serious note though, events like wargames is pretty fun.
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    I mean there's scare tactics.

    If you could get them to fall for a phishing email then show them just how dangerous it is, that could help.
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    Make a fake phishing attack that creates a list of all the employees that fell for it and interview them saying something along the lines of "we detected unusual account activity" on all of you accounts, can any of you think what might have caused that, and let them work out for themselves what they did wrong, so next time. They will think twice/ question what they click on. Could do the interview one on one or as a group depending on how much time you can allocate to this task, just make sure everything one in the group knows they were at fault. You could repeat the process every couple weeks/months with different forms of "attack"
  • 0
    thank you very much every one 👍
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