
I honestly don't understand why some developers like to shit on other's preferences.

Don't like PHP? Fine, but don't give shit to somebody else for liking it or coding in it.

Not a fan of Javascript? That's cool, but do realize that there are people who enjoy coding with it and don't appreciate you talking shit about their preferences.

Don't like a certain framework? That's okay, but again, there are people who code with it so don't tell them that they shouldn't.

  • 15
    Just to throw it out there..

    I’m a PHP dev, I use JS and have active projects on Jquery, UI and Mobile and use bootstrap 😍

    Now watch this flame war begin 😂
  • 11
    @C0D4 I think some people love to hate PHP, more than they actually hate PHP ( :
  • 1
    I use and hate PHP.

    But I won't hate on others for using it.

    What most developers don't understand is that teams are important... I would love to have written this backend in Elixir or Rust, but recruiting 70 half-decent PHP devs, dividing them into teams, and getting them into a productive state was much more realistic.

    Still fun to bitch at frontend devs and their silly little JS frameworks though.
  • 1
    I only use PHP and JS :3

    More details?

    Wordpress, jQuery, Laravel, Vue :3
  • 1
    @saabye wise words right at the beginning :D #welcome
  • 2
  • 4
    @cursee you lost me at wordpress 😥
    Otherwise “Go team PHP” 💪
  • 1
    I was able to upvote this rant twice... (bug)
  • 3
    Well, of course, everyone has his/her preferences, but there are certain metrics on how good a language is. PHP is a good example here. Have a look at https://eev.ee/blog/2012/...

    If you like PHP, good for you. But do you like it because you have never worked with another (type of) language, apart from maybe brainfuck? Or did your wanderings through the land of programming languages finally come to an end when you found PHP, because it was "the one" best language for you? I am afraid, too many people like PHP for the first reason.

    And then there is such a thing as "the right tool for the job". It is a very bad idea to write an operating system kernel in PHP. Also, it has certain disadvantages to write a simple script to calculate something in c#. For the latter, I would recommend python. Therefore, I would argue there is no such thing as "the best programming language". There are, however, "discourageable" languages.
  • 1
    Its mostly insecurity.
  • 3
    It has more to do with characters than anything else, I suspect. A lot of developers have character types that trun to debate as a way to get to the truth about any given topic. This can easily lead to flamewars when you habe several people all trying to be right about something that is essentially comparative.

    The higher truth is of course that programming languages resemble in a fractal way the software they are designed to create: they are made with a certain feature set, and contain more or less bugs, the quantity of which is usually correlated with the size of the feature set, and the time they took to be developed.

    But this is difficult to see when you only know one language well, which is why most people who complain about the debate itself are programming polyglots.
  • 1
    @tommyangelo you mentioned the rarely spoken and much neglected fact about the character :3

    We are probably one of the most stubborn professionals on this planet.
  • 1
    I don't think people actually look down on other developers because they like PHP/Javascript/whatever (at least not on DevRant). I get a good kick out of the PHP jokes on here personally.
  • 2
    Wholeheartedly disagree. Playful bashing is what makes good devs great devs. It's like getting on your friends case for driving a stock honda civic with a muffler delete, or shitting on your buddy for making his own beer and calling him a hipster. In the end there's nothing wrong with those things, but you gotta pester a little for giggles
  • 3
    @Crazed A little pester is no problem. We have a lot of them on DevRant. There exists developers who actually look down on you just because you use a particular technology. I've met my fair share of them.
  • 0
    @monkehparade seems they're just bitter people taking their bitterness out on development. It could be any outlet, they're just snobs looking for self validation. I pay them no mind :)
  • 3
    @TempestasLudi Nice article from 2012 you got there
  • 2
    @TempestasLudi That article is from 2012. PHP has matured a lot since then.
  • 0
    @FerDensetsu That's the way to do it xD
  • 2
    Because immature, insecure people swear a lot and shit on others in a pathetic attempt to feel better about themselves.

    I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of devs I've personally worked with that aren't like that. They're unicorns.

    God complexes are unattractive and pathological.
  • 0
    @C0D4 “active projects on jQuery”?
  • 1
    @saabye I wanted to jump on the php hate bandwagon once, but realized I’ve never used it so I have no freaking idea if it is good or bad. People say JS is bad though, and I absolutely love it more than anything else, so who’s opinion can we really trust anyway?
  • 1
    @TempestasLudi That link was probably the funniest thing I’ve read about any programming language 🤣🤣🤣
  • 1
    @arjaycodes I guess it is always a matter og personal preference and coding habits ;)
  • 1
    @monkehparade I did not mean that PHP is a bad language, although it probably was and maybe still is. I merely said that there certainly are metrics to check the "goodness" of a programming language, as specified in the article.

    The second point I wanted to make is that it is impossible to say that a programming language is "good" or "bad", unless you have substantial working experience with a couple of other languages to compare it with. This seems to be a very big problem with PHP developers.
  • 2
    Don’t really mind people bashing on the a language as long as they back it up with quantifiable quirks and facts about said language.
    It’s when some one mentions a language and there just like ‘lol shit. Don’t use it. It’s shit’
    That type of person, in any field deserves to be hit over the head with a heated iron. Unbelievable shit stains on society.
  • 1
    Agree man, in the end comparing languages is pointless. Just use whatever fits you and your project.
  • 1
    @TempestasLudi Agreed. Although any language that has been used effectively, regardless of use case (for which there are millions) can’t be said to be objectively bad so long as it meets a use case more effectively than others. PHP is not objectively bad in that regard. Blub on the other hand...
  • 0
    @arjaycodes may I ask 8n what use cases PHP is more effective than other languages?
  • 1
    I like PHP. I love Python. I personally feel that Java can die a flaming death but am cool with people that code in it.
  • 0

    I have jokingly and sarcastically mentioned the actual languages and tools I'm using in earlier comment. But PHP was my third language that I had to learn by myself and JS was fourth.

    My career choice is a mixture of business solutions provider and digital marketing consultant. Being familiar and good at web development is a necessity. The first two languages (c++ and Java) I have learned in classrooms were not suitable for it.

    So the best use cases for PHP (and also for JS) are building websites, REST APIs and quick prototypes. Sure yes you can develop a website or an API using Python or .Net or Java or Ruby but PHP is butt uglier and easier than the rest in my opinion. I am not saying PHP is better. I'm saying butt uglier and easier. And sometimes in life and work, butt uglier solutions are all we need a.k.a a use case. :3
  • 0
    @cursee Hm... I would say that python is indeed a very good contestor for the web development world, but if you think otherwise...

    Also, what about JavaScript? One could argue that JS has some properties that make it more desirable than PHP and since we have NodeJS, we can use it easily for backend purposes.
  • 1

    Yeah the more I think about it, the more I disagree with the premise of this rant.

    People should shit over everyone's preferences.

    Take a dump on Javascript, it certainly deserves it. PHP should be dragged through buckets of manure, Python is fucking dysenteric diarrheastorm of broken dependencies, Java looks like piles of elephant dung, and C++ is like an constipation that makes the veins in your cheeks burst.

    But people should make their shit structured and substantiated, rich with chunky sample nuggets, while listening to the little refuting counter-farts wafting their way.

    Because every time someone poops over someone's preferences here on devRant, I rarely see ad hominem flamewars, I just see more awesome discussions with great tips flowing from it.
  • 1
    @arjaycodes not sure what you are asking here??
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge There is nothing wrong with swearing... I meant the people who shit on others. I feel like they swear to "be edgy" and show everyone how many "bad words" they know. Not like you. :)
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