I have just started out on Linux (Ubuntu because I don't know anything (please don't judge me (you're not judging me right?))) and I don't know anything aside from Linux relies on Terminal a lot. The tools are already installed (VSCode, git, etc.) and everything dark-themed. Is there anything I should have in your opinion, and where should I start?

I've just lost my grandfather last Friday from liver and gallbladder failure. Him being a composer and a musician impacted me a lot as a pianist try-hard. I regret I prioritized my studying for college over him and only visited him twice. But he saw my performance from my parents (they recorded it) and he complimented it, so it's more than enough for me. Rest in peace gramp, and thank you.

  • 12
    Learn the terminal, learn the terminal, learn the terminal. I can't say it enough, once you learn the terminal a whole new world will open up for you. You'll see anything you can do with a GUI you can do through a terminal, but faster, more efficient and it'll look cooler to people watching since they'll think you're hacking lol. Learn git cli too, itll be worth it in the long run. I know @linuxxx and @Linux probably have information that I havent covered and are loads smarter than me on the subject lol
  • 3
    Sorry for your loss
    You should start with the Linux architecture, the role of kernel and shell. Then look into permissions and access groups.
    Although these mat seem theoretical but everything else will start making sense once you have these.

    On the practical side, start with the basic Linux commands that lets you do basic OS operations from the terminal and then move to shell scripts when you can
    Good luck 👍
  • 2
    If you don't benefit from linux' features right now in your projects you don't have to use linux at first.

    That being said, focus more on your projects at first and its code, because the linux universe is pretty endless...
  • 6
    do not run sudo rm -rf /

    I repeat DO NOT run sudo rm -rf /

  • 2
    Docker is a good thing to learn if you're a developer.
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