
Hi guys. Finally cleared up my time. Well not really but I wanna do something else cause I've been depressed af lately so I wanna try stuff I enjoyed.

Anyway. Last time I got quite a few from here but anyone need help with design/styling of projects? Wanna boost portfolio. Can use sketch or directly code in the styling for you.

For free. Though I wouldn't pizza money haha.

Let me know if you have/need anything

  • 0
    Not sure if it's the sort of thing you had in mind, but if you want to chat that'd be great!

    What's the best way to PM? Slack? Discord?
  • 1
    Up to you. @Rundle my discord is mustyS #0800
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    @SoulSkrix we both know I am always free but for the sake of lols- how much you wanna pay me? 😂
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