
Man, learning vanilla javascript as a beginner is so hard sometimes.

  • 2
    Agreed, but it's worth it. There's a fuck-ton of tutorials. Dig in!
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    @DeadInside digging in every day for the past week ! Trying to keep my head up and take in all the information even though its a lot hahah. I'll be good at it someday!
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    Didn't say that someday would be soon :p
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    Man, I started my journey into the world of JS like 6 months ago. Now starting digging into React and trust me, javascript's complexity is *nothing* compared with React. Or at least how I fucking feel it now...

    As a side note, I understood that all the time I learned ES5, now deprecated. How the hell I must feel?

    Good luck, by the way!
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    @arazzz it's probably a never ending journey! I'm an intern as front end developer right now and I have to know jquery as soon as I have a bit of understanding about what I'm doing in javascript! But In the future I wanna learn react and angular as well as they're popular. So I have a lot to learn heheh. But that also makes it fun (sometimes 😂)
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    @Kiralin If not for the fun, it's not worth the effort (valid for the whole dev stuff, not only js). ;)

    P.S. jquery is peanuts compared with js/react, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to learn.
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    @arazzz yeah that's true! And yeah. As a beginner everything just feels so far far away. In a few months I'll probably be coding in jquery with no problem heheh.

    Good luck to you on your journey though!
  • 3
    Absolutely worthwhile. Keep at it!
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    Enki at the playstore, using it daily haha
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    Well you can pretty much do anything you want on javascript without jquery which is a pretty fat lib.

    But ive done that, started by trying to copy sites without looking in the console to work on html and css, then i learned javascript.

    Then i was given bootstrap and told to redo the whole lib in react. I advise that, coz if you are new to front end, you will cover most basic html tags and how theybinteract between each other.

    That will give you strong bases for front end.

    Then study redux because that will make your life easier for certain components that are more than just display (menus for example).
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    That feel.

    Typeof NaN -> "Number"

    what the fuck man
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    @watidonteven Hahaha yes 🤣
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    @Setherizor never heard of him. I can check him out!
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    @Santaclauze well I do know html and scss pretty well as ive spent some time rebuilding websites and also some fun little projects. Now I'm just trying to implement javascript when I can. The hardest part is understanding everything you're writing. But I practise daily now. My work requires knowledge of jquery , but I wanted to learn vanilla javascript first to understand better. Same for understanding html and css better before I move to something like bootstrap.
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    @Stocken I'll check it out!
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    Vanilla Javascript? what's that? is that some kind of library based on jQuery or Vue?
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    @norman70688 maybe. I just didn't feel comfortable moving straight Into a javascript framework without knowing actual javascript..
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