
So, I just got up, opened my sister's laptop to work (she gave it to me while I was in this small trip) and I see this. She was like "if you break it, I'm gonna kill you" and I said "oh no! What am I gonna do? Hammer it or something?" Fuck my luck, seriously

  • 18
    At first it looked like a leaf was stuck to the monitor.

    It can get fixed as long as as you still get a video signal.
  • 0
    Tell them like you lost your lapy somewhere.
  • 6
    Yes, your sister is going to punch you...sorry mate XD
  • 5
    Just say it's a virus and it can be solved by reinstalling the OS... jk, you're fucked.
    It you're lucky, you can get a replacement screen on ebay and replace it yourself.
  • 8

    If she has linux installed on her laptop, she wont belive that bs :p

    Screen replacment is the only option.
    I hope its avalible in your country and isnt glued to case like Imacshit or microsoft one
  • 2
    @Gregozor2121 yes, but don't forget that there are viruses, trojans etc. for linux as well. 😉
  • 6
    It's a laptop from 2007, not worth it chainging the screen :(
  • 7
    Jokes on you
    It was broken before, you just didn't know :D
  • 1
    Oh no, it was already broken when I pulled it out from my bag. Thats the weird pard of this. I treated my bag way more carefully that what I did back when I used it as my main computer
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    I was reading this thinking she knew the screen looked like that but the comments seem to suggest that the screen became broken in your possession so now I'm confused which side I should be laughing at or consoling.
  • 0
    My guess is it was a fall that shattered the screen, and if you didn’t drop it it probably happened before she gave it to you. How honest a person would you say your sister is in general? 🙂
  • 1
    I broke it 100% sure. The thing is that I have no clue how and it pisses me off since I was really really careful carrying it
  • 1
    @NefixEstrada Ah that’s too bad man. I feel bad for how she’s gonna take it. That’s just the worst when accidents happen to other people’s things.
  • 1
    That was 20 days ago, so... She's still mad at me for that :(
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