Cat just attacked my keyboard, which was quite funny. Took some pics and entertained it for a bit.

Then I looked at my IDE.

Lost all of today's work because the cat somehow managed to press keys to delete it and then type enough that undo won't recover my code...

That cat is my arch nemesis now... And then it tried to jump back on, which I put a swift end to.


  • 17
    The cat had enough of you not using git and wanted to teach you a lesson
  • 5
    I agree with @JoshBent

    Time for you to learn git.

    Fool me once, strike one.
    But fool me twice, strike three.
  • 4
    Git is your friend 🤓
    Git saves hours of your life 😯
    Git checkout - - /path/to/file.ext 😱
  • 2
    @JoshBent I do use git, just hadn't pushed since yesterday... I only push once my code is stable
  • 4
    @nanoandrew4 I wanted to mention to also commit in short intervals, but thought you'd do, that's another thing the cat wanted you to learn then instead
  • 6
    Branching with WIP/xxx
    And commiting small changes often rather than large changes daily
    Once the WIP branch is stable merge ack to your feature / develop branch
  • 3
    @JoshBent @C0D4 Fair enough, I should probably start committing more often. I like the idea of a WIP branch
  • 2
    I like to live dangerously with no battery laptop 💀 since few years ago (well the battery was not working anymore and I still haven't bought one). And I live in a city where power black out are normal and pretty frequent especially in rainy season.

    So I commit after I have created a migration table script. I commit after I created empty model and controller class files and view files for said migrated table(s). I commit after each CRUD process. I commit after debugging my crappy CRUD bugs. I commit after I thought for sure I have fix the real bug. I commit ...

    You got the gist of my life. And if I have to leave my laptop, I push all my commits so my codes are there on cloud and I don't have to worry about my machine got struck by lighting or whatnot.

    That being said, I would still kick your cat if it came near my laptop. :3
  • 1
    1) Upgrade RAM
    2) Registry | undo.documentUndoLimit (PHPStorm)
    3) Have at it.
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