Best website / tutorial for teaching my son C++?

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    How old is he?
  • 4
    First, make sure he's interested...
  • 1
    Definitely interested! 13 years old, but all I know these days are Ruby and Java but he wants C++ for a microprocessor he bought.
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    I've been watching this: C++ Tutorial: https://youtube.com/playlist/...
    It's not Microcontroller specific but it's still C++.
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    Look up the Cherno on youtube. Really good c++ instructor. Easy enough as a starting point as well. There is the canonical and all knowing cpp tutorial website(forgot the link or name. Will fetch it in a bit) but cherno is great.
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    ANSI C by Dennis Ritchie a box with dev c++ or code blocks.
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    If the microprocessor you are talking about is a Raspberry Pi, teach him python. Much simpler for a 13 y/o.

    I'd recommend looking on youtube. There are lots of beginner tutorials there.
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    @K1ngjulien I wish is was an rPi, but he got this one as a gift and C++ is the required language apparently. I haven’t worked in the language in 20+ years and wow it’s different than I remembered.
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    @juneeighteen Arduino?
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