
Yesterday I stayed at home sick. Had a bad case of the EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA FROM HELL. Was feeling ok but could not walk away from me throne.

Went in today cuz the lead was not gonna be there and shit always breaks on Freyja's day as we all know.

1 and a half hours before we clock out and go home someone calls saying that students are trying to drop from classes at the last minute and our app ain't doing it.

I "fixed" the app last week and ran a small login test. It work so I thought it was fine. Stupid me for making unprofessional and retarded assumptions.

Manager freaks out. The entire school freaks out. Coworker lols cuz he ain't got to work on it. I start mind debugging the entire bitcheridoo.

45 minutes later...and I was able to successfully go through almost 15k lines of code of php/html/js code and fucking FIXED it with tests and all for real.

Went at it hard. Babe ass manager was like 0.0 and then (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Called head office and told them everything was undr control.

Dropped the phone like a mic. Mic drop.

Then I looked at manager and coworker and said "ya I fucked up, but I am still the king"

Both nodded in agreement.

Everyone got wet with my sheer awesome troubleshooting php master skills.

Got home thinking about how boss I am.

Fucking Texas af b. Can't touch this heat. The rangers still suck and so do the cowboys. The astros and the texans don't exist because there is only room for one. Go spurs.

Still have diarrhea.

Fuck yeah.

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    @wedevrese it sure seems like it brother. I was using it baaad since I had to reach my toilet at home loool

    And thank you :D!!
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    @AleCx04 Are you working with something like blackboard? Or another LMS?

    Either way, some people tend to work best under pressure.
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    @Stuxnet very perceptive my friend. Canvas is the LMS we use, but we have other stuff integrated into it. In house and poorly written/documented from our previous team.

    I do work better under pressure :P
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    @AleCx04 I noticed another dR worked with blackboard and he said it was pretty fragile.

    Just trying to figure out how to take it down for a bit to get an extension on an assignment, if need be. 😂😂🤷🏻‍♂️

    (If it's a college you work for, then:) We college students love to wait until the last minute to do things. I've written all 3 papers for my English class the day they're due. I wrote my history papers last semester the day before they're due, and all in one sitting.
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    @Stuxnet such systems are indeed fragile. But I cannot blame the users man. It ain't their fault that the app was working like shit:( systems are supposed to be reliable and we dropped the ball.

    We back on the court now.
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    @AleCx04 True, but from my asaholeish perspective, the students should have their crap together and not have to wait to the last minute to drop classes. In a way, it's karma (not really lol) getting them for being slack and waiting until the last minute haha.
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    @RantSomeWhere glad you liked it man!!
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    @AleCx04 We're adopting Canvas after the spring semester of '19 ends lol

    I just logged into the ole black board for a quick look and saw it lol
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