Why do everyone talk about fucking stickers?! I want some of them but don't have the financials! Gimme gimme :'(

  • 4
    Most people get theirs for free at events, I do believe.

    Or www.unixstickers.com
  • 2
    @Floydian Awesome, I can barely wait for that to happen!

    @Stuxnet I live in Denmark, none really good events around here.. Perhaps I should try to change that by making one or travel to Germany.
  • 4
    @Floydian is a nice dude.

    @Kandelborg Find out if there's enough people to make it to a small one and try to host it 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ It'll be a good experience and should help increase with your leadership skills.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Well that just sounds like a fabulous idea! I have to give it some thought.. or perhaps just do it!
  • 2
    @Floydian Oh I don't want any and I can afford to buy my own if I do. But that's awesome! Let some that can't afford them take advantage of your awesome offer.
  • 1
    @Floydian I will think about some designs, might even have to try to make SVGs if I can't find the designs I want.

    I'd also be more than happy to pay the shipping! That's the least I could do if I got 'my own' stickers.

    On a sidenote, if you reach a point where something seems impossible I'd also be happy to assist in finding the solution.
  • 3
    Hey dat me.

    Pro tip, i get stickers in bulk from ebay, they r really cheap. For dev stickers, i usually scout around for deals.
  • 1
    @sharktits Thanks for tipping, I'll be covered in stickers in a year from now!
  • 0
    @Floydian hit me up when that happened, also I save some pictures from stickers website and save it in high dpi, it works fine when I requested it as my custom stickers
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    Can we also do a collab for sticker designs? That way restless souls like me could pick fav ones and print them at the nearest center. @Floydian
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    oh wait that's just the light theme.
  • 1
    @dtaposh From next month I'll be a supporter! Don't worry about my future scrshots haha, I'll wait until after I've gotten a proper color
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    @Kandelborg there is a dark theme for non supporters as well. It's not black (and sexy) like the one supporters get, but it's pretty nice.
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    @dtaposh How can I thank you? You only have some many comments and rants to ++!

    *bowing to my new favorite person*

    How can I be so ignorant? Haha
  • 0
    @Kandelborg chill XD just helping out a fellow ranter
  • 1
    @dtaposh Okay, okay. I had just checked (I thought), and felt quite stupid. I have dark themes everywhere and it's quite a big deal for my eyes. So thank you 😁
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