Visual studio code is better than Vim.

Prove me wrong.

  • 12
    You can't use it via ssh
  • 4
    Can't help you, you're clearly retarded. 😎
  • 6
    @CodeMonkeyG Please do explain why.
    @aul12 good point! 👍
    @AlexDeLarge I am asking for subjective or any kind of opinion. You gave none.
    Also, amount of people who took this personally is too high xD
  • 3
    @RantSomeWhere I have seen people bashing visual code, saying it's shit and saying that using vim is better. I cannot see how it is better, I know it is different but all I asked for is an honest opinion why would people rather use Vim and hate on VS Code. Thanks.
  • 4
    Especially when it's supercharged with vim's shortcuts. 😁
    But yeah, VS Code is just way easier
  • 0
    Can't be asked.
  • 1
    Oh now I see, people here figured I was talking about Visual studio? 😂 Guys, https://code.visualstudio.com . Cross platform "text editor" on steroids.
  • 0
    Also, I am asking because of comments on this rant https://devrant.com/rants/1525914/...
  • 0
    Only real way to edit code: sudo nano /src/code.file-ext
  • 1
    @DanijelH Sorry, my humor can be quite dry sometimes. I meant it as a joke to add fuel the flamewar that you would start with such a question. :)
  • 0
    @DanijelH i knew what you were talking about.
  • 0
    Should have use the joke/meme tag
  • 0
    What are you smoking and where can i get it?
  • 0
    It's hard to explain why vim is better to people who don't use vim.

    Once you get used to vim, you can't live without it.
  • 0
    Shit can't be compared....
  • 0
    They're used for different things. Vim is a better text editor, usable anywhere, and vscode is designed for editing code, and forces you to use it in a graphical desktop. That alone makes vscode a nonstarter for me.
  • 0
    @CodeMonkeyG Oh I see, missed that but good one! (:
    @RantSomeWhere Most of the things you said applies to vscode also, you can do amazing stuff and there's a ton of extensions. There is also Vim extension for vscode. You can find few comparisons online between the two but since I like to see 4myself and have tried practically every other editor out there(sublime, notepad++, atom, brackets), I will try Vim also!
  • 0
    The sun is a myth. Prove me wrong
  • 0
    Yeah, you're right. Visual Studio code is better, especially when you want to quit
  • 0
    @aul12 wrong, used it via x forwarding just to try.... It was horrible
  • 0
    Of course you can forward it, but I haven't found a program which is usable this way
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