My boss literally said this to me today😂

  • 5
    It means he’s seen some shit and also means he’s a good boss.
  • 4
    I once merged into master on a Friday at 17:00. Never again!
  • 1
    @paranoidAndroid what if I was too tell you that I do that every week Friday 5:00-5:30. Not even joking
  • 1
    @Shardj we deploy on fridays as well, in fact, with continuous integration and testing driving people's confidence in their code, we can usually redeploy every merge
  • 4
    But your boss knows who you are 😂
    P.s- great rant 🙅🙅🙅
  • 1
    At my workplace the boss is one of the people likely to push for deploying on a Friday. Not late in the day luckily and very rarely. But it does happen sometimes.
  • 0
    @Shardj then I envy your boss😂😂
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    @xCripTex how come? He's one one who makes us do it by the way, he thinks it's better because fewer people use it on the weekend. Nevermind the fact that if we fall behind on data due to a bug we can never recoverer it and have to extrapolate fake values so the graphs and data don't appear to have any missing points
  • 0
    @Shardj Well my comment was only for the approval, that's it!😂
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