I know the world doesn't owe me anything but why is it so fucking hard to get a job in this industry?? Unless you have a few years experience in a job behind you. Well if I can't get a fucking coding job in the first place how the fuck am I supposed to get work experience. The world is deluded fucked up place. Rant over!

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    Keep trying and make friends with programmers. They are must likely to open the first door.
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    Dont loose hope. i have a fellow dev whose major in chemical engineering and a PM that is major in psychology.. if these people can get Dev jobs, then its not possible that you cant. Maybe u should start on a personal project first. Develop something markettable. Youll regret not doing this while your free, once u become a dev-for-hire, youll drown on tasks you dont like
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    @jinryu thank you :)

    I have already started work on some mobile apps for local businesses I have shown these off at interviews. Hopefully over time IL be able to do this for a living. I'm sick to death of working in IT support
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    Yeah. The first one is always the hardest. There are just so many factors to it and you already come in at a disadvantage because of a lack of professional experience.

    I don’t have the answer but I have so comments...

    - I hire people that can learn, learn fast and learn smart.

    Takeaway: when was the last time you learned a new technology? Why did you choose that technology? Why not another? How would you approach learning a new topic from scratch?

    - I hire people I want to work with.

    Takeaway: interviews are hard. You want to walk away with the interviewers thinking you are a person they would like to get to know.

    - I hire people who are self driven.

    Takeaway: have you launched a side project from idea to production? No. Do that.

    - I hire people who can handle the business side (or at least don’t fight it)

    Takeaway: if the only goal of a dev in to “build cool tech” then they don’t cut it. We are here to provide value and generate revenue.
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    Great! Ill keep these in mind @leanrob
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    And by your mid-40s, you have that experience, but you are too old to be hired.
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    If you don’t mind about the wage you could a couple really quick in my area (you need to be young if you don’t have any experience in this industry, otherwise it is hard to get any)
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    @Fast-Nop exactly. I'm 32 now lol
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