
Fucking sharepoint
I’m fuckin done, editing this website layout is like teaching a kid with ie brain, worse is I need to use a fuckin sharepoint designer 2013 and I’m working on online sharepoint so everytime I saved something it’s delayed and my screen acts like having a motherfuckin seizure when I accidentally scrolled it. Not to mention grid doesn’t work here so I need to lay it out the fuckin old way. Oh the client also wants a fancy navbar so I literally hide the sharepoint desinger navbar and using js create my own navbar inside the container. Fuck you for creating this shit and actually sell it to people, it’s like working on a fucking old tech

  • 3
    I still don't fucking understand what's the fucking purpose of sharepoint and why do we fucking need it.
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    @njpugh90 I don’t know why higher ups even bother, is it because of cool names? “Microsoft products”? User friendly? This thing is build with wood or some shit
  • 1
    @njpugh90 I just hope it will went well for you guys
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    wow 130k+ employees 😲

    gsuite (google) is quite good. I use it at the company where i work (6500 employees). The IT department will get multiple return of investment. And the users love it because most of them know it from home. And it makes it easy to work remotely. Even booking a meeting room with google calendar and attending the meeting remotely with hangouts works like a charm. Heck i wasn't in the office for two weeks. lol.
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    @error503 The REAL purpose of Sharepoint is to try and convince overpaid IT execs to stick with Office - "look we have a cool document management system that even works in the cloud". By itself it generates no revenue so Msft doesn't bother to improve it or even fix it's well known bugs. In other words it's a total cluster fuck that should've been outlawed years ago.
  • 0
    I fucking hate Sharepoint and I want to scream it outloud to whomever wants to fucking hear it.

    Every time I create a new file or fucking topic it goes wrong and I want to smash my computer. I hate my life.
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