TIS 100 the assembly language game.

  • 4
    It's fun and quite satisfying ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • 3
    ๐Ÿ“Œ haven’t played but I want
  • 3
    Also try out Hack & Slash on Steam
  • 0
    Yeah, it's a fun game!
  • 0
    I tried it when was still in beta. It's awesome to learn assembly.
  • 5
    All zachtronics games are awesome, shenzen I/O is probably my favorite but opus magnum and spacechem are also quite good.

    It even spawned this label called "zachlikes" — challenging logic freeform puzzle games which don't hold back much on complexity.

    Just stay away from Dwarf Fortress... that's a game you'll never recover from.
  • 0
    This and Shenzhen I/O have take so many hours of my life. And I regret nothing at all.
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