
Launched my product yesterday. Been working hard on it for a year.

Got a bunch of day 0 signups from all over the world. I’m super delighted. Then I see a bunch of them “broken” in my database.

I dig in and... long story short:

Twilio are cunts. I thought they were a world beater. THEEE messaging api on the market.

Well it turns out you can’t sms North American numbers without setting up special provisions.

I can sms fucking Botswana and Ghana and Iceland and fucking KUWAIT (I actually got a member from Kuwait), but Twilio can’t fucking sms A-CUNTING-MERI-FUCKING-CA

  • 14
  • 3
    I'll be curious where you switch to. Messagebird, Nexmo? I'm about to make the same decision.
  • 4
    What’s the product?
  • 1
    Well at least leave a link 😁
  • 1
    @Cyanide ++ for ah now I got it
  • 0
    Product is https://Songbox.rocks

    And for those interested in the solution - it seems that in Twilio some numbers are global and some are domestic. So at the point of purchasing your number, you just need to make sure you buy one that’s global.

    HOWEVER I can no longer have a nice alphanumeric “from” number.

    So previously texts from my company appeared on your device as “SongBox” but now it’s just a random American phone number.
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