I should've read about installing ubuntu, now I'm facing grub-efi-amd4-signed GRUB Installation failed error

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    Sometimes we have to be reminded to RTFM!:)
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    I've been in the exact situation.
    Here's how to make an efi partition.

    Make a partition ( 250-300 MB) using some method ( I used cfdisk) at the *start* of the disk. ( Sector 2048 -......). Mark it as bootable and format it as efi. If you cannot directly format it as efi then format it as Fat 32 and then mark it as a efi system partition in the installer prompt. Mount this partition as /boot and the rest should be the same.

    Some PS:
    I currently use arch hence I've mentioned command line tools (cfdisk). You could use gparted and similar tools.
    My efi partition is 300MB.
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    @silverstar I'm doing with live boot since I formatted my windows, gparted says that I have 3 partitions active? And I cannot part anymore
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    @nothappy erm you were supposed to do all that on a live session. I'm not sure about the specific problem you are facing. I tried to give a generic solution.
    I might suggest going through arch wiki for installation on efi system and follow the parts relavent to you.
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    @dontbeevil that's what I'm trying to do
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    @rEaL-jAsE the reason I'm getting Ubuntu is to teach, so that I make little extra 💰 I'm following the schools' syllabus and it requires Ubuntu
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    So I've finally installed it on the cost of all my previous partitions deleted
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