
One day, i'll vertically center a html element from the first try :')

  • 3
    Yeah, agree with @AlpineLinnix ..

    But hey, some dreams come true..

    just kidding, they don’t.
  • 5
    Flexbox and chill 🤘
  • 6
    .container { display: flex; }
    .centered-element { margin: auto }
  • 3
    Flexbox, please!
  • 1
    @rEaL-jAsE you're right, it doesn't, and sometimes the methods you find in the internet doesn't work with the rest of your website, so you either have to start from scratch with this centered box first and code everything else around it afterwards or you have to find an even better method.. that was my experience at least.
  • 0
    people suggesting flexbox and other solutions:

    yOu D0nT SaY ?
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