#just a thought

Dear son ,
You are now past the age when I should just slap you and make you do whatever i want to. No, its time now, you have to think. Try being socially acceptable, follow their(society's) rules and limits ,run in those competition races and be the person society wants you to be , if you want.
And if you don't or if the society doesn't accept you; then fuck them all. Let them go to hell. Make a world out of your own. Follow your passion with extreme dedication and make your dreams come true.
Eat, drink ,fuck,play, spend money,buy treasures,hit the gym, donate to poor , Travel the whole world and smash your success on to the face of those stupid ass people .
You don't need those people. But when you show your lifestyle to the world , their will be people who would like you, who would want to be with you , who would want to be like you and their it is. You wanted a world, you made a world out of your own.

- be happy

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    @Alice knowing how i was and people's kids are always 10x worse than they were. I'm pretty sure I'm going to a few thousand times if i ever do have a son when he's a teenager
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    Inspirational literature oh how I hate it and this is one of the worst I’ve read.

    On another note - you really shouldn’t be slapping your children.
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    @Alice ehh. I wish my dad would have knocked me down a few more times than he did. He did stop me from doing some stupid things but there was a few things that needed to be stopped
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    @PerfectAsshole on the other hand, basically every study ever in to the effects of physical discipline on children shows that it fucks kids up. And fucked up kids generally turn in to broken adults. If you've gotten away without that then great (I don't believe you have but whatever), but don't risk that with anyone else.
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    @Zaphod65 ehh again. Its just society becoming wimps. 40 years ago you spanked your kid for being an dick everybody laughed and clapped. Now if you do it you go to jail which is bullshit cause if there's no boundry for children they do stupid shit and become whiny brats that will get themselves killed at some point
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    @Alice I for one don't want children in a world where i can go to jail for disciplining them. I've slapped the shit out of a woman in front of a cop for damn near jerking her kids arm out of socket but there's a difference between abuse and discipline which alot of people now days don't understand
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    @PerfectAsshole Sorry, could you explain how you have grew to not be fucked up, again please?
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    @delegate212 nobody in the world isn't fucked up in some way. I'm the most spiteful son of a bitch there is but between a belt my young years and a fist fight with my dad when i was 16 i would be alot worse without either one to correct me when i was wrong.

    @Alice What do you define as discipline? Sitting a kid down and talking to them doesn't work. I know one kid that gets talked to every damn day and goes back and does the same shit where one good visit from a belt would fix that shit
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    @PerfectAsshole Hitting your child just makes them hate you, and break contact with you as soon as they move out.
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    @PerfectAsshole I'm strongly against violence for discipline.
    Mainly because a single punishment applied the same everytime a child messes up isn't going to teach them not to do it but just not to go against you (since everything ends up the same exact way), but also because the child learns to solve problems by bending the weaker ones to their will with their physical superiority. You said so yourself when talking about slapping a kid to make them do exactly what the parent wants... That's not teaching, that's forcing them to mindlessly follow orders and to take advantage of the weaker to follow their own orders. A kid that understands or has a backlash in relation to the mistake they made will be more understanding of how not to fuck up than a kid that is just taught to take a hit every time dad isn't happy about something...
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    @Hu-bot0x58 Well that's fucked up indeed, but not more than "Don't hit or you'll get hit"...
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    @alice Well seeing the fact that so many here are against the slapping thing : sorry but yeah, i might if i ever became a father.

    Notice the word 'might' . I have been a Single child who had strict parents . I know about today's modern parental culture , the culture developed countries have and the culture our developing countries have, and all are moving towards a "milder, strictly no violence - policy " parenting which is good.
    I don't say i am against it or still believes in old ways, but a parent should always have a right to scold his children and carve their path until they are able to do it for themselves. And even if i never really slap him, a fear of a slap might prevent him from doing anything wrong when being unwatched, at least till a certain age.
    I love my parents dearly with no grudges for slapping me during my early age. Am so happy that i was scolded when i see my cousin with cute ,mild parents being trapped in a world of weed and drugs and me being growing safely
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    @filthyranter and yet i have a closer relationship with my dad that beat my ass when i made a c in school than i am with my mom that never disciplined me in any way
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    @TheOct0 judging by what you said i should be taking advantage of everybody i meet but i don't. The difference between discipline and abuse is by who it benifits. If you're beating the kid to feel better thats abuse. If you're beating his ass where he will know right from wrong its discipline. Btw when i say beating i don't mean punching i mean with a belt on the ass. A light pop on the mouth is fine if they are getting mouthy but that is an exception to the rule and shouldn't be needed if you discipline them right in the first place
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    @PerfectAsshole Yeah, that's not for me.
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    @TheOct0 I'm not surprised. Most people around my age we're raised with young parents that think that it was always somebody elses fault their kid was acting up. My dad is 80 years old, i was raised the same way kids were two generations ago so i look at all the dumbass people that have been raised to believe the world owes them something and most of them wind up in jail because of it
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    @PerfectAsshole My mother got beaten and she never ever hit me, and I'm still very responsible and respectful of the world and people... But my mother is traumatised, and there's no changing that.
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    @TheOct0 She most likely was beaten in anger which i do say is wrong but if you have never gotten your ass kicked for doing wrong and grew up right you are an exception to most of the kids now days
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    @PerfectAsshole Her parents were very strict but never mean. The four of them were getting hit for "discipline", and grew up with it. My mother left at age 18, when she could legally go away from that.
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    @TheOct0 i never said they were mean. I said they disciplined when they were angry. You never hit a child when you are irritated/mad/angry cause at that point even if you say you're doing it for the child's good you are letting out steam in the process which will go overboard
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    @PerfectAsshole I misunderstood that, but they still were "fair". Treatment was the same, angry or not, and my point is still the same.
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    People, people. Watch this video before you talk..

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