
Someone recently told me that learning command line is pointless for a developer today, the world has moved towards GUIs for a reason and there is no point in making your dev life harder.


  • 15
    fuck that guy ;)
  • 1
    @dev-nope he's one of my best friends so I tolerate comments like that.

    But actually it made me think - is he correct? My powershell and command line is very weak and I've started trying to learn Linux commands, strangely, through learning git command lines, but it's never really been an issue for me.
  • 6
    There's a lot of VIM (and the others) fanboys here.

    You successfully triggered them.

    You also probably triggered some of the Linux fanboys that absolutely love their terminal.
  • 4
    I absolutely DISAGREE. It's like give up on learning c++ to learn js just becouse people use browsers a lot...
  • 4
    There is no reason to make your life harder, that's why you should learn command line
  • 4
    And you have to remember that GUIs follow command lines, not the opposite, and that you are quite restricted with them, since it's about what the dev intended you to do with it. Not only do you have a lot more control with command lines, but you can also script it to make shortcuts for your own usage of the CLs. That being said, options and learning the actual commands is a far longer process than pressing explicit buttons made to do what they say with ease of use.
  • 3
    @Hu-bot0x58 Depends on what kind of webdev you are and what sector you're in, doesn't it?
  • 0
    It will give you a better understanding of basically everything if you do learn it. Guis are shit, hog resources for no reason. Combined with limited functionality
  • 0
    GUIs are nice, intuitive and all but I'm way faster with command line. Just an example, it takes me minutes to find where to configure specific things on a router web GUI, when in CLI it's a matter of seconds
  • 4
    @AdrienNini But it takes actual knowledge. Most people don't like that ^^'
  • 2
    @TheOct0 how can someone work/study in IT if they don't like knowledge/learning ? I know that CLI can be scary sometimes but once you've learned some basic commands you can do things faster than with any GUI
  • 4
    @AdrienNini That's true, and I'm thinking the same, but an awful lot of people go towards GUIs before CLIs
  • 1
    Yeah no, he’s wrong. I used to think that, too, many moons ago, but I can fully admit I was dead wrong. GUIs are great for figuring stuff out on your own, but if you want power (and what dev doesn’t) you absolutely need to learn the CLI.

    It’s kind of like using an HTML editor but never learning HTML: so long as you don’t need to do anything the app can’t handle you’re fine, but the moment you need to debug or fix something at a lower level you’re hosed.
  • 2
    designers... 😠
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    Try deploying your application to a headless server... Have fun searching the GUI lol
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    @1989 this is measured response without bias
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    It's simple. You cannot type with a mouse. You can forget command line when that happens.
  • 1
    @vishal-vp False. You can type with a mouse using the on screen keyboard.

    Wouldn't recommend it at all, as your hand cramps extremely badly with a standard mouse, but it can be done lol.

    I used to hook my laptop up to my TV to stream movies/TV. But I hated getting out of bed to change it. So I extended the laptop screen vs mirroring it (I believe those are the words used lol) and put the on screen keyboard on the laptop screen. Then I used my wireless mouse to change movies or shows as I needed.

    I'm slightly ashamed of how lazy that was lol
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    How would you do

    for i in *wav ; do oggenc -q 3 $i $i.ogg ;done

    In a GUI?
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    @shaji first I need to get out my ancient Egyptian
  • 1
    so... today I did nothing, just answered a few emails and talked enough with the boss enough to sell that I was working (I work remotely)

    Is not that I don't like the current project I'm working on or anything, is just that I felt exhausted (traveled yesterday for 16 hours!)

    What do you do when you are down and feel like doing nothing? Do you just do that, nothing? how do you get back on track?
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    Command line is still important and needed in a lot of situations!
  • 0
    IMO every serious developer should become at least somewhat versed in the command line, specifically the Linux command line.

    I mean, it is possible to do most things in a GUI, however, it just isn't comparable to working with a CLI. Sure, there are GUIs for Git and other similar programs, and they can be very useful in some cases, and at times even faster or more convenient than the CLI. But for the most part, I find it faster to do most things within the command line, and not only that, but I usually have a finer control over what exactly it is that I'm doing.

    So, yes. You should learn the CLI. There are no GUIs yet that can completely replace it.
  • 0
    seriously tho, I've noticed there are some comments to about 'fanboys', and I will disagree with that shit. being good with the terminal doesn't make you a fanboys, but I generally find it to be a great power, chain some commands run them and go get a coffee, instead of having h to be physically present to click a button here and there (depending on the task at hand)

    I've used VI with a few plugins and I will be an idiot if I say it doesn't work, it just ain't my thing but value simplicity so I went with VSCode, but I see the benefits of it and I admire those who work with it on daily basis. the terminal is raw power if you could do it - you can, compared to the GUI if there is no button or the developer did not handle this valid combination of params you are fucked
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