
I want to de-Google. I simply do not trust them anymore. They own pratically every single step of your online life. Does anyone here have tip for a good, alternative free e-mail provider? One with respect for my privacy, and not a company that makes billions of our society, but avoids paying taxes.

  • 5
    Just fire up an email server. You'll have full control over it.
  • 3
    But can you actually de-Google at this point?
  • 2
    no search engine is as good as google. for email u can give a try to zoho
  • 3
    protonmail.com is fantastic
  • 6
    when it's free - you are the commodity :)
    good luck de-googling
  • 5
    I was scared when I found all my "ok Google" voice recordings and time stamps on when I opened my apps on My Activity Google. Its a little too much if you ask me
  • 3
    For a search engine I've used DuckDuckGo for the past few years. I'm satisfied.
  • 0
    Apple.. give them a chance dude. iCloud mail. Apple does not need to earn money from datamining, hence the improved privacy. Don't think you can use custom domains with iCloud mail but Idk if that's relevant?

    Otherwise, Zoho. Can't say much about privacy there though.
  • 0
    But, not trying to be a dick, in the first sentence. 😂
  • 1
    Didn't read the last part.. sorry.. Apple might not be for you, regarding the taxes
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    If there would be a secure way to do this, I would consider it. But I must say my admin skills are not super and I have very limited time besides my job for maintenance of this server.@620hun
  • 1
    You're probably right: completely de-googling is impossible (certainly with android, Angular,...) But I want them to know as little as possible. @Jumpshot44
  • 1
    @hvidt a friend told me this the other day, I didn't even know. I'd been testing Ok Google in the same room as his phone I set his phone off (bypassing the lock screen), he has all my search recordings. Luckily I didn't search anything bad!
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