If you call yourself a developer or consider yourself part of the IT world and at the same time complain about software updates (all those dumb windows update rants) then do one of the following:
1- write a multi -million line of code OS that runs on virtually unlimited number of PC configurations and hardware and get the code right the first time with no major bugs, no security vulnerabilities, and a consistently fast and stable performance.

2- stop calling yourself a dev, or part of the IT world.

If the last 2 options are unreasonable, unachievable, or unfathomable.... Then stop bitching about software updates.

  • 4
    I think they hate those updates mainly because are kind of forced. Some would like to update when they want , not whenever the system has a new update.
  • 2
    Sorry kiddo... I'll complain about whatever the heck I want ;)
  • 0
    @theKarlisK not an argument. Better luck next time.
  • 0
    @Clear0Ff windows XP updates weren't forced... It was a security nightmare. Gotta remember that windows is also designed for non-power-users. Besides, i can say that i never had my windows force restart to install update and that's happy because i take care of my PC and software and update then regularly. Those who complain that the updates are forced is because they never bother to update. It's like they can't afford to restart their PC because they are compiling the most important and largest project or something.
  • 0
    @MrCSharp if you read the WHOLE thing @theKarlisK wrote it is a valid point. the app that belongs to the backend i work on has a forced update once in 2 years. also android and ios let you choose to update whenever not fucking forcefeed it like windows. i had to disable updates with the last major update because they'd put an uncloseable notification while gaming in fullscreen. now i turn it manually on and update whenever i feel like it
  • 1
    @justmove Linux doesn't force me to update either

    Also thanks for the gatekeeping, op, but I don't think I'll let you decide weather or not I'm part of the holy lands of the IT world
  • 0
    @inaba yea ik. tried to make the point that it's a windows maybe macOS only problem
  • 0
    @inaba Linux doesn't run on 92% of PCs and is not as much of a target for malware as windows so there is no need to make users install security updates ASAP.

    Also, no worries. Happy to do gatekeeping at anytime. I'll add this new skill to my linked in profile and will start giving talks about it too.
  • 0
    @justmove android is soo fragmented that devices usually stop receiving updates after a year or 2 making it insecure and vulnerable to malware. Haven't used iOS much but i think it still download them in background. Also, the bug you mention in windows... That's the reason for updates in case you haven't noticed yet.
  • 0
    @Consolelog fair enough... Have you investigated why fast start does that to your pc? Hardware fault?
  • 0
    @MrCSharp I didn't have that problem 20 yrs with windows. testing your code before deploying it to production should be a must but the way you post things seems like i talk to a wall anyways
  • 1
    @MrCSharp but it does run on more than arbitrary number of servers, which you know, need to be even more secure. And we're talking about forced updates here, which shouldn't be a thing

    But then again, the fact that a lot of people use it makes for a really bad argument.
  • 0
    @inaba servers != desktop PCs. The target audience is also different. Of course forced updates on servers are bad unlike normal PCs where you can spare 10 minutes a month to perform the update. Also, i think i need to say this again: Windows will only force you to update of you keep ignoring the updates for a while. It literally gives you every chance to perform the update at your convenience but after a few days of delaying it, it will perform it.
  • 0
    @justmove worst argument so far. Bugs are to be expected regardless of how much you Test the code.

    The only code with no bugs, is code you don't write at all.

    One of my tags seems to be on point 😂
  • 1
    @MrCSharp listen to yourself, you're arguing in favour of forced updates. Do Microsoft pay you or what?

    Forced updates are inconvinient as he'll and shouldn't be a thing. Period. The fact that the user can't decide when to update their os and can't decide that they should update eit when they shut their machine down is equally bullshit.

    What's more is that Microsoft still havet figured out how to push updates that needs to restart whereas on all the Linux distros I've use only few updates needed a restart. IIRC it's the same for mac os as well
  • 0
    1- clearly you missed the part about how servers and desktop software are targeted at different audience.
    2- your argument shows lack of understanding of how normal people use their PCs. Windows XP was a massive security nightmare because updates weren't enforced. I don't know your professional background but if you had worked as a technician (which I have before) you'd understand how bad the situation was.
  • 0
    3- Your last point about MS unable to push updates that require restart is a fair point, BUT it really is cementing one of this post's tags on you. The reason they can't do it is because over 20 years ago, when the Windows kernel was designed it had the limitation of DLLs being locked when are in use by a process unlike Linux that loads the kernel in memory. This is a design flaw that simply shouldn't have been made or at least corrected ASAP.
  • 0
    BUT, because it has been sooo freaking long since then, in order for Microsoft to update the kernel (and Windows) to stop locking DLLs and instead load everything in memory is simply not a trivial task as you might have been imagining. It is not a day/week/month worth of work. Think about all the massive changes they have to make in order to get that to happen. Also MS prides itself that Windows is extremely backward compatible (Software from 1995 still run on Windows 10, hell even some 16-bit programs) so a massive change like that means they will have to go back and evaluate everything to make sure it is not going to take down one of the most important things about Windows.Why Microsoft doesn't bite the bullet and do it since they have the resources? well it is quite simple, a 10 minutes downtime a month for your average PC user is by no means a big deal for them so adding such feature to appease elitist linux fanboys is not on their top priority //TODO list.
  • 0
    Clearly you lack good arguments for you MS/Windows hate. And that is quite funny considering that in my OP I didn't even bring up Linux or any other OS. Yet the linux fanboys managed to get butthurt about this rant and came in here like you without proper arguments against software updates.

    4- While I would like for MS to be paying me, reality is that by uttering that question you showed me you had no good argument and you are simply here to get some ++ as validation for using Linux.

    Enjoy :)
  • 0
    1. Linux isn't server software, you ought to know this.
    2. you're still arguing in favour of forced updates. The OS even updates when you turn off the PC, so there's no reason to be forced to restart, at, all. So stop yourself. And it doesn't really matter what you've anecdotally worked as, since updates shouldn't be forced.
    3. You've almost got some self realization, good. And I should probably just tell you right now that the tags makes you look like a twat.

    Just stop yourself m8.I know you think you look cool and all, but really just stop. Just turn off your computer and go outside for a while, because the fact that you call people butthurt Linux fanboys because someone points out to you that Linux doesn't force you to update, only tells you that you need to reboot, and doesn't need to reboot for all update, just sit back and think about it, then common sense might kick in once in a while
  • 1
    Stop shitting on each other and use whatever the fuck is convenient for you boys. End of discussion.
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