Found a Really nice Java Script Library for Animations.


  • 1
    Insane. Love it.
  • 0
    Wait a few hours 223 more will pop up
  • 0
    You should check out WebAssembly.
  • 5
    Three.js is not for animations. It's a library for making 3D apps.
  • 0
    That's the main technology for 3D views on the web!
  • 4
    Uh three.js isn't just some library. First of all, Mr. Doob is a genius and had been on the cutting edge of web technology since before the days of Windows Vista being brand new.

    Three.js was written as soon as the technology for it was available. It has an insane amount if advanced features, some which I am sure even the larger 3D desktop environments (like Unity) lack.

    Everything on the web that needed a quick 3D view, from shitty gimmicks on websites, to shitty Minecraft skin viewers, to professional items like product rendering, uses three.js because it continues to the the forefront of 3D in JavaScript.

    This technology has a course on Codecademy. it is very import- holy shit I cannot believe how rant that got.

    But yeah I feel like you understated the capabilities of three.js here.
  • 1
    I thought three.js used tween.js for he animations...
  • 0
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