As a developer, is it too much to ask for a quiet section? 😭

  • 10
    build a pillow castle around you and let nobody enter maison @LordPeeve without permission. because you've ought to protect those cookies and sweets and sweet code with your wooden sword.
  • 8
    @heyheni I'd love to, but I'd have to move it every morning to a different desk 😭

    That would make an interesting stand up report: Spent 2h rebuilding my pillow castle, also refractored the palisades and the moat as i found some vulnerabilities during the integration testing 😁
  • 13
    If you have to do it more than 3 times, write a script to automate it.
  • 0
    Pullover (or generic hoodie) + noise cancelling headphones/earphones does the job (kind of) for me.
  • 1
    @malphas I feel you, mate. I'm the same, always sitting at the back of a bus/train, always facing centre of the room with a wall behind me... except at the office as they have no understanding for people like us
  • 0
    @not-a-muggle you have just described my PO, Tester and the ScrumMaster
  • 2
    Noise cancelling headphones man, just bought mine a few weeks ago, wish i’ve done it earlier :)
  • 3
    Wait, you mean every morning you need to change desk? What is this madness? Where do you even put your stuff?

    Also, another advice for noise-cancelling headphones. The Bose QC line is great for noise-cancelling (less so for sound quality, unless you like heavy bass).
  • 2
    F@ck Bose headphones, Sennheiser momentum FTW :P No need to start which headphone is better war here.... 🤐@Fradow 🤗
  • 1
    @p0s1x nah, not going to start a war, I heard Sennheiser were good too, by a friend who wanted me to buy one (but his old headphone noise-cancelling wasn't working anymore, and I could test a Bose one, so I went with that, heh).
  • 1
    @Fradow Yes (to different desk every morning) as hot desking... some new age BS that's plaguing corporate offices lately

    The docking station and peripheral devices are "fixed" to each desk, we just bring laptops from our lockers. And later, we leave the desk as we found it in the morning.

    But it's like a train, no desk allocations and best ones are taken by early birds (which I am not). And that lead to another issue as people started coming in before 7am to the office. Seriously, I'm starting to think management is doing it to take the joy out of "flexi time" as it would be too non-PC to just say "no flexi, we all clock on at X o'clock"

  • 2
    @LordPeeve are you in UK? I heard hot desking is getting popular there.
  • 1
    @wateringdisease nah mate, I'm in Australia 🇦🇺

    but as with everything else we copy everything from UK (horrific job agencies) and now we have this BS
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