Need job to get job experience..... Need job experience to get a job. Who the fuck designed this system.

Fuckinggggg Sadists


  • 3
    You have to work your way up
  • 5
    Username checks out.
  • 1
    @Cyanide Yeah bro. Hahahhaah
  • 5
    Well you can have personal projects as am experience, or internships... Or you can just say "Hey mate, I want this job, so let me prove that I'm better than any experienced guy out there" and hope for the best
  • 2
    I guess I'd go for personal projects as mentioned above >.>
  • 0
    How about an apprenticeship
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- if only somebody wanted me ;-;
  • 0
    @BGMP spam them
  • 0
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- That doesn't work qnq, and if it did, they'd only come back to block me
  • 1
    @BGMP you can create lots of mail accounts
  • 0
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- this wonderful ideas must be the reason you look like a great dev xd
  • 0
    @BGMP thanks haha. But I am a regular student who searches for apprenticeships
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- I'm still in school, and here in Chile we dun't even get to pick classes :(

    and my code is trash send help
  • 0
    @BGMP *sends ducks*
  • 0
    Remember that you're only competing against other juniors (I don't even like the term "competing," but that's how it's viewed by and large), so you don't need to demonstrate that much skill to get your first programming job. You just need to show a drive to learn, and some quantum of initiative.

    So yeah, if you don't have any work experience, a personal project is a necessity.

    The good thing is that, as a programmer, you have all the keys to your own success, as long as you've got a computer and an internet connection.
  • 1
    @Hu-bot0x58 Not true. Maybe you cannot yet get the job you want. But you can do internships, projects or find a less demanding job as a starter job and then "work your way up" by either changing jobs after 6-12 months or switching to more demanding tasks internally if the company enables that.
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