
Our team changed to Linux about 3 years ago already and I can see some of them struggling to insert some commands when I'm talking to them.

How the fuck do you struggle to `cd` into a fucking directory?

Ok,ok... I've linuxing full time for 8 years already, I understand I've been through this... But come on! If some one said to me on day ONE "dude, you can cd /full/path/of/fucking/whatever" or " ~/ means home" I would be doing it from day one.

Probably I'm overreacting but wtf dudes? 3 years... Step up your game.

  • 7
    I try to explain it by saying "cd" is like double clicking a folder to enter it, not sure why people find it so hard to make the jump from "folder" to "directory"
  • 1
    were there real reasons to switch or was it just to see what would have happened? 😂
  • 10
    I spoke to a dev last week who was complaining about how long it takes to delete projects containing node_modules on Windows. I suggested rimraf.

    "But...that means I'd have to learn the command line."

    Bless... Maybe this career isn't for him.
  • 3

    Or you could just say : cd = change directory
  • 7
    Careful @hell , someone that has been a fulltime linuxer since 2001 would probably laugh about how you use Linux too
  • 2
    I have this bad habit of typing cd and then followed by ls -altr in each directory. I just liked the sound of my clicky mechanical keyboard haha
  • 5
    @Linux yeah, probably they would laught their ass off, but I bet mine that I would evolve if they taught me :/
  • 2
    @diobert hahaha I know the feeling
  • 2
    @thatsnotnice bit of both 😂
  • 2
    @platypus yes, those who can't seek new knowledge are destined to fall
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  • 9
    Coworkers that write fucking code but can't enter a bloody command.. I'd tell them to rm -rf /dev/* at once out of sheer frustration -.-'

    3 years at that..! In 3 years I've learned how to build my own fsck'n distributions from source including everything libc, kernel, init and shit like that! A FUCKING CD?! Not an overreaction at all. Completely justified.
  • 0
    Tbh for a while I would forget about ~/
  • 3
    I start to twitch when I watch people changing one director level at at a time. Itching it is worse when they don't even do a listing so clearly know the full path. Maybe even know about tab completion but choose to type.it manually 😰
  • 1
    @TafT yep, just like that...
    Or go:

    cd ..
    cd ..
    cd /full/furking/path
  • 0
    @platypus how does he install his dependencies exactly?
  • 1
    @MarkoVlaic0 WebStorm, I think.
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