Co-worker on phone with our manager trying to explain something to him:

Co: Do you even know what a foreigner key is?

M: Yes, but bla bla bla

Ps: The manager doesn’t really know what a foreigner key is 🤦🏻‍♂️

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    @oudalally shit I mean foreign key 🤦🏻‍♂️
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    I dont know either, what is it?
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    @Linux A foreign key is used to link tables together in database.
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    I know that, but a foreigner? Is it the same as a refuuge key? ;)
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    @Linux lol, that was a spelling mistake because I was shocked from the question.

    He is a manager of course he should know, but the truth is always harsh .. I couldn’t handle it and write my rant correctly 💔
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    @Linux what is a refuge key? Lol
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    @oudalally its alright lol humor is acceptable in my rants.
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    @oudalally you keep trying, you keep improving! If you can make yourself laugh that’s all you need. The others you can tell them “Not everyone can understand genius people humor” lol
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    @oudalally dad jokes! No one can understand it .. sorry for you 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣
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    @FahadAlt @Linux

    For those who do not know, a foreigner key is a key who managed to cross your OS's firewall without the necessary privileges and lacks proper documentation.
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    @JKyll thank you for the information sir
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