
Looking for a web developer for a startup == we no have any money, free website plz.

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    haha, oh no sorry . This was a rant. I've come across so many posts on social media groups lately asking for web developers with start up budgets. My bad!
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    😂😂😂😂😂 dafaq
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    Usually yes. However I'm joining a startup and I'm paid ~$3400/mo until the product is launched + an equal share in the business. Not that it's a lot of money when the tax is amongs the highest in the entire world (I can easily remove half of that amount in pure taxes) but still, a startup with equity and paycheck for 2-4 months (depending on my speed) is rare, but lovely
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    @SithLord where is this unicorn startup ? and where do we apply ?
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    @skonteam haha, in Denmark 😄 and I (sadly) don't think they need more developers :/
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    @SithLord it would be such a shame if some thing were to happen to you and I would have to take your place. JK
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