
Like who the fuck uses tables anymore for websites. like Fuck. what the fuck is wrong with this company. then uses InDesign to make the websites and slices the images in Photoshop. this isn't the fucking stone ages. upgrade your shit. fucking design team wanna be responsive but fucking to lazy. so I have deal with their shit. when they complain about fucking image Sizes. I fucking hate this company.

  • 2
    Simply, get out of there before its too late.
  • 2
    I am finding another job as fast as I can.
  • 2
    I once saw a site where the layout was just all in one table 😮 I was like whaaaaaaat
  • 4
    add those 300dpi on the indesign layout with no grid and complaints about the production version not being pixel perfect. and when you ask for a psd file you just have to scream at the designer: LAYERS PALLET IS NOT YOUR FUCKING TOILET! IF YOU NEED TO SHIT TAKE IT WHERE NORMAL PEOPLE GO YOU FUCKING PRICK.

    i feel ya. hope you find something, not much to choose from where i am.
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