
Client pays deposit for website, client disappears into thin air. This will be fun

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    Ask them a question. Think of something sensible to ask, that you need an answer to.

    If they dont reply, you dont do any work :-)
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    Have same issue with work. Client has bought hosting. It's been up for >100 days and they've not even set up the DNS. All emails and calls get ignored. At least it's paid for I guess?
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    @spl0 will try that, paused dev work already
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    @DanBennett the bad part is when they come back with whole new requirements
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    yep got one now, payed half up front. site is finished all is needed is pictures for the content.
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    Luckily for you they left before you have them anything. Happened to me that the client took off the second I uploaded their website and they were supposed to pay the second half.
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    @yarwest that is horrible
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    We moved to phased payments at key milestones. 40 - 30 - 30 split. That way you don't end up doing 100% of the work for 50% of the money and you don't progress until you get feedback - and payment - at each stage. So for websites: 40% deposit gets them to initiation, planning, set up and content insertion. 30% concept / styling. 30% final fixes, launch and post launch stuffs. (Analytics, seo submissions etc)
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