Hey guys, I've hit a major snag in my dev life.

My backend/frontend Java project has hit a wall as the material I was using from Udemy on advanced Java programming was boiling down to copy and paste programming without the learning. That doesn't really work for someone with 2 years programming experience but only a good 2 months of Java knowledge. I need to learn not just follow along what's written on a screen. Thankfully I learned to give in about 2 weeks in so I didn't waste a ton of time on it.

Would books be a better option? I self taught C++ mainly from books and preferred that over videos, but when I did C# videos were mostly better than books.

And...I guess I'll open the floodgates to recommendations for other stacks. I like Java and I'd like to keep using it but I know you don't want to get married to a way of doing things. My end goal is to make an E-commerce website that I can show off in interviews about a year from now.

Please be kind, I'm feeling a bit like crap right now. :(

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    Effective Java by Joshua Bloch is nice if you have the basics down.

    But I guess you need to know without a shadow of a doubt the difference between interface and class at least.

    Otherwise, just make something. If you can't figure out what to make there are many things that are complicated enough to get some serious practice.
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    @BigBoo I know the difference between objects, methods, classes like the back of my hand. I will admit I have a rough understanding of interfaces so I might have jumped too quickly into it.

    My biggest hangup is I have a ton of anxiety over the idea that I don't have enough good projects to present to anybody for a job. It's irrational, and I need to focus on a project at an intermediate skill level and build from it.
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    @bigus-dickus I could use some after swearing at my IDE.
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    Hey it is part of life. No one is perfect mate. We all have our ups and downs. Just gotta deal with it and move on :)
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    @starrynights89 Just make some kind of service.

    I was playing around with End to end encryption chat and writing an auth service for practice.

    Game engines are good practice aswell.
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    The stack really doesn't matter.

    It's having a project to learn it with.

    In most languages you can start incredibly small with a simple cli tool, and build it up to a full blown program with a ui and everything.

    That's really what taught me the most, just building shit.
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    @FMashiro Same. When I was starting out my biggest hangup was what language to use, what really matters is what you want to do.

    I think I'm going to stick with Spring but try a new front-end frame work like Angular or React.
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