
They say drugs will destroy your life, I guess they haven't heard of XCode yet ...

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    Drugs don't destroy my life, they enhance it
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    @whoneedsgit I was talking about the other type of drugs, the illegal ones
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    @gitpush I know hahaha
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    @whoneedsgit DAMN IT! You got me this time XD
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    And PhP and Windows 😁
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    @EaZyCode Ya XCode is the #1 cause of sudden death among mobile apps developers, that's my conclusion
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    @xkill NO! ONLY XCODE! Those can be handled but shitcode cannot T_T
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    Steve Jobs credited LSD with at least part of his success, so maybe you just need to be ON drugs to properly appreciate xCode?
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    @PhiloticGhost I don't want to appreciate it I WANT IT GONE! Seriously I'm shocked a company with that size and success produces this kind of shit. I rarely have issues with macOS, rarely heard an iPhone user complain, why can't they get this right? They even rewrote the entire editor in XCode but still it has issues, takes ages to respond to CTRL+Space, it also takes some time for it to understand that the error on that particular line was fixed, Storyboard design sometimes go crazy without any valid reason ...etc.

    I've used these IDE's and never had that amount of trouble with them:

    1. Visual Studio

    2. Android Studio / Jetbrains

    3. Netbeans

    4. Eclipse
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    Today I had a certification error whilst trying to build onto a device on Xcode. I had to spend an hour removing dev certificates. Redownloading. Apple ID. Revoke previous key link. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT SHIT
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    @fives 😨😨 damn I rarely face that error but yes it is pure shit
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