
I'm so fkin happyyyyyy!!
2 months ago a friend hits me up and says "lets make a fkin website"
I had no knowledge of web dev and didn't take it seriously cuz "web dev is for losers who can't code, also they get paid in peanuts" as stated by someone I highly respected back in school.

Fuck him.
It's all changed.
I never thought I'd say this.
But web dev is the best thing I've picked up in 3 years

Been making steady progress in js, php, sql then picked up jquery and made a few dynamic test sites. God it was so fkin satisfactory. Started node- it's intimidating but I'll get the hang of it soon and thinking of starting vue or ember as soon as I'm confident in all the stuff I've picked up. Oh and friend's website?
Fuck that it's a trash concept. I still thanked him for getting me to start web dev and moved on.
I still have my roots in c++ and Python and I'll never forget them but I think this may be the start of a wonderful journey. Be sure to burst my bubble I'm just a noob now

  • 11
    So now you're a loser that can't code?
  • 1
    2 year old me wud agree. Fuck 2 year old me. @Stuxnet
  • 7
    @yatanvesh Whoever told you that about web dev seems like an egotistical asshole and unbearable cunt.

  • 2
    I think the said person did not know anything about web dev. Anyways it made me really embarrassed over the little html and css knowledge I had back then @Stuxnet
  • 3
    Why jQuery?
  • 1
    I have a thing that I take too long to decide what to learn, I mean days and smtimes weeks- comparing features, learning curve, procrastinating and stuff. So this time I let 2 books decide the first things I'll learn about web. I'm don't regret learning jquery its a sweet lil thingy as of now @Codex404
  • 5
    @yatanvesh first master javascript, then you know how jquery is in most cases a big piece of bloatware that should be avoided at all times.
  • 2
    Try Laravel, I promise you'll never want to go back to plain PHP
  • 1
    @Codex404 Don't agree. Sure, you don't need all its functions but when someone focuses on backend exclusively and also HAS to do some frontend, jquery is an awesome option because it just works.
  • 0
    @linuxxx javascript just works too. In the time IE was still used it might be useful.

    But some people just use it to select some elements and change dom values with it.
    The execution time is way higher when using plain javascript, both loading it in and execution itself delays way to much.

    Besides the bloatware point I described above people see jQuery as a language because they dont want to use javascript. Thats also one of the reasons Im fighting against it.

    Fuckers using it for $(".bar").text = "changed some text";
    (not sure of the syntax, havent used it in 2 years)
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