
Everytime I hear "there's a problem" in my office I cringe so bad I have the impression I'm making holes in my teeth.

I hate this "janitor" / "plumber" role I have here, so insulting in terms of brain power.

** randomly codes something **
** colleague breaks silence **
C: Phlisg? There's a problem.
Me: what now?
C: Well when I enter a title that is 500+ characters for my blog post, it breaks the layout.
Me: obviously the title is too long. Shorten it.
C: I can't because [reasons] (unfortunately true reasons)
Me: ** deep sigh ** yeah, will look at it... ** proceeds to hide anything longer than 10 characters **
C: perfect!

--- 3 days later
C: Phlisg? there's a problem.
Me: mh?
C: the text is too short, can you make it longer
Me: ** FFS ** guys, you should've asked for a "Word-type" website if you just wanted to do any kind of layout. No, can't, sorry. Choose either between broken layout or shortening your damn text.

-- 1hr later, pm comes in
PM: Text is too short
Me: Yep. Any longer will break everything visually
PM: can't you fix this?
Me: Yes I can, but it'll be a whole CSS revamp because it was not MEANT that texts should be so long.
PM: How many hours?
Me: ** overestimating ** 10 hours (2.2 days of work)
PM: nah, okay, just add it as a side project

** me, inside : WOW, WHAT A FUN PROJECT OMG **

  • 7
    Fuck sake they are cancer indeed
  • 5

    That's why I'm so unmotivated and very frustrated about coding in general. Although I don't even code actually, since I "just fix".

    And it's "wonderful" experience for an eventual future job, since I have no time nor the energy to collaborate on open source projects nor look for a more appropriate job because they all want 3+ years exp. with React or whatever...

    I've done an interview lately and the CEO wants to put me as support to customers, I hate customers and their level of stupidity (ie. why doesn't my mouse click?!?!)

  • 6
    @Phlisg I think you'll learn a lot more by fixing instead of coding it because it's sure damn hard to read other people code
  • 1
    @devTea well, agreed. On our main website I had to "learn" how the previous dev did all the code - a huge mess, no DRY (so... very wet code? haha) - and well, it helped me a lot.

    For our blog the developer made a nice job, it's still painful to update everything though
  • 4
    What the fuck did he meant by "side project"????
  • 2
    @h4xor apparently when i have "free time" to work on stuff I should work on

    But when I have free time i have to go fix her computer all the time because she cannot use it properly x)
  • 2
    What kind of title is that ... damnn
    Poor you :/
  • 3
    @Clear0Ff Webmaster! :D more like "web-janitor"!
  • 2
    @Phlisg hey we’re gonna need you to move your desk to the hall closet... I dis support for 18 months before I moved to programming. I feel your pain
  • 2
    @jeeper I wouldn't mind actually, it's cooler there with this heatwave... haha

    Time for another job :)
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