
So a month after being rejected for a position because it is was the holiday season and the cogs were turning slowly...

Fucking bitch (ceo of corp) contacts me and invites me for another talk

Look lady, I landed another job while you didn't want me at that timeframe and your cogs needed oil... Tough loss ain't it lol 😳🙈

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    function preparenextreply(){
    string = "Dev life === 24/7 ";
    return string;
    // Lol haha burn
  • 3
    She knew it was a longshot, but as you had previously directly expressed interest in working for her company, he decided it was worth her time to call you and check. I would have done the same thing.
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    @bahua then why reject for like a month 👍 if you don't know your future you don't know yourself, especially in corporate life man wtf 🤦‍♂️🥒
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    Shit changes all the time in business. One candidate gets chosen over another, or the budget for that hire suddenly disappears because of an unexpected expense. It wouldn't have been reasonable for her to expect you to be available a full month later, but it would have been irresponsible for her to ignore the possibility that you might be.
  • 3
    @bahua ah like that, I see ... Maybe I'll take the deal this was just ranting... Tough choice
  • 2
    I once applied at a company and didn't hear back until TWO FUCKING YEARS later. I kindly replied that I was already with another company in the same domain who took two days to answer and not two years. Cunts.
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    Put a better offer on the table and we can talk!
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    @FahadAlt I know right
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