I am scared.

Google detected unusual traffic from my home network?

When I search anything in incognito mode, this page appears.

No incognito mode -> Google search works.

Feels like an attempt to force me to use my google account.

  • 2
    there could me a malware script running.... did you install anything sketchy recently ?
  • 4
    @undef I use
    If I do not use google dns then it cannot be that, right?
  • 6
    This seems like unusual traffic because you don't send cookies and so in incognito mode. And bots also don't sent cookies.
    So Google may have a reason to think that you are a bot.
  • 3
    @Haxk20 Here's my public IP:

    It's gonna be the same for a long time (is supposed to be dynamic but isn't) so have fun with it.
  • 2
    @Haxk20 They can have mine then :) Just won't be interesting.
  • 1
    @filthyranter inbefore your house get hot because everything is mining crypto currencies cat images
  • 2
    @Awlex It's hot already, a few extra °C won't make a difference

    Jokes aside, there's not much performance to exploit and I can easily shut down the devices.
  • 2
    Same story of mine, found a bypass.😂😂

    Open a new tab -> www.google.com -> type in googles search box.

    Damn man, this silly trick works for me.

    Although when you search in URL bar you'll still get that reCaptcha. ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
  • 1
    @canonbolt Too bad that doesn't always work (try to use Google via TOR lol)
  • 1
    @canonbolt The obvious answer to everything here is either ddg, ixquick or startpage it seems.
  • 0
    @filthyranter @finiteAutomatonyes I know it doesn't always work but works most of time, if not then use random user agent changer ;)
  • 1
    Do not worry about it, if you are using a non-regular dns, vpn, proxy or tor.
    Google loves to bitch around in such cases.
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- Google is a bitch indeed!
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